How to eat with new dentures

Dentures take some time to get used to, but help to restore oral function.

Dentures are a great solution for individuals who are missing teeth and would like to restore oral functions like biting and chewing. But it can take some time to get used to the feeling of new dentures once they have been fitted. Read on for our tips on adjusting to dentures and what foods are best and how to eat with new dentures while your gums are still adapting…

Start with a soft diet

When your dentures are first fitted, they may feel a little awkward. It can take some time for your facial muscles and gums to adapt to your new dentures, and this is completely normal. We recommend that you stick to a relatively soft diet that doesn’t require a lot of chewing when you first have your dentures placed. Particularly hard, crunchy and chewy foods tend to place stress on the gums and underlying tissues, which can increase the risk of inflammation, irritation and mouth sores. Pureed and mashed foods are easy to eat with new dentures — mashed potatoes, avocadoes, fruit puree and scrambled eggs are all good options. Just make sure that these foods are not too hot. It’s also a good idea to avoid spicy foods, as these can aggravate any sores that you have in your mouth.

Ease into solids  

When you feel ready to try solid foods, it is helpful to eat small pieces at a time. Cut your food into very small pieces and try to chew on both sides of your mouth —this will help to ensure that your dentures stay stable while you are eating. It’s also a good idea to chew slowly and to have some water with your meal as this makes chewing and swallowing easier. Even when you have introduced solid foods into your diet, it is best to avoid foods that are very hard to chew, such as tough meats and sticky candy

Take care of your dentures

Once you are used to the feeling of your new dentures and your gums and facial muscles have properly adjusted, you should be able to eat most foods without any problems. It is important to note, however, that there are a few foods that should be eaten carefully. These include crunchy fruits, popcorn, raw vegetables, sticky candy, tough meat, whole nuts and corn on the cob. Take care when eating these foods, or choose easier-to-chew options instead.

How can we help?

 At Impressions Dental Studio, we offer a number of dentures, including removable dentures, partial dentures, implant retained dentures, permanent dentures on implants, and removeable dentures on implants. Our team provides expert prosthetic treatment and is available to guide you through the process that is right for you.

To find out how removable dentures work, please have a look here. To find out how partial dentures work, please have a look here.

If you are not suited to traditional dentures, and would prefer implant-supported dentures, take a look here for some more information.  

If you are not sure which treatment is right for you, we recommend that you come in and see us. Our team is happy to answer any questions you might have, and will provide you with any advice or information that you require. To make an appointment to see us at our Robina clinic, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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